Painting Subcontractor Agreement: Free Contract Template

These PDF forms help you set clear expectations and terms with your subs.

George Leon | Updated February 19, 2023

Hiring subcontractors for your painting business? Set clear expectations and terms with a painting subcontractor agreement.

A painting subcontractor agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions between a contractor and a subcontractor for working on a project or set of projects.

Enter your email below so we can send you our free Painting Subcontractor Agreement Template for residential or commercial painting jobs.

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Disclaimer: These forms are not legal documents

We suggest you modify each document to fit your business and then take them to a lawyer to review them.

The following sections are included in the above documents:

Insurance Terms

Outline what kind of insurance your subcontractor needs to carry and the limits. Specify conditions such as adding your company as an additionally insured party.

Here are the most common types of Insurance required for painting subcontractors working under a general contractor:

  • Workers Compensation
  • General Liability
  • Auto Insurance

Payment Terms

Outline how the subcontractor will submit painting invoices and any terms such as retainage, back charges, payment times, etc.


You might require your subs to use properly maintained equipment or that their workmanship conforms to product manufacturer guidelines when rendering services for your company.

Legal Sections

This could lien release policies, negligence terms, dispute resolution, default terms, government regulations, and taxes.

Handling Materials & Work

This should outline who’s responsible for the delivery, receiving, storage, handling, and staging of trade-related materials.


Outline your company’s safety policies that your subcontractors need to conform to.


Outline your project’s cleanliness policies and standards.


Set expectations about subcontractors soliciting work from your customers or third parties.


Outline your completion date terms such as liquidated damage fees.

Change Orders

Outline your process for handling additional items, known as change orders, to your scope of work.

You’ll find examples of all of these terms in our free subcontractor agreements.

Enter your email below so we can send them to you now:

FreeDocs – Painting Subcontractor Agreement

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you hire painting subcontractors?

You can hire painting subcontractors to complete painting projects on your behalf unless your customer contract prohibits hiring subcontractors.

What should I pay a painting subcontractor?

Painting subcontractors are typically paid between 45% to 60% of the total project price.

Should I use a contract when hiring a painting subcontractor?

Yes, you should use a contract when hiring a painting subcontractor to set clear expectations and terms and provide legal protection for both parties.

Bonus: Now that you have a solid subcontractor agreement, read our article on how to subcontract painting jobs to start scaling your business.

Written by George Leon

George Leon

George Leon is a Managing Partner at Scalebloom. He used to be a partner at a painting company in Charlotte NC. George loves to help business owners scale their business with modern marketing strategies and branding.