Editorial Standards & Guidelines
Learn about BusinessHue’s exemplary editorial standards & guidelines. Our writers follow stringent editorial practices to bring our readers the highest quality content.
Our Responsibility to Our Readers
BusinessHue treats its readers fairly and openly. We seek to report on the latest business trends as thoroughly as we can. We have a policy of quickly correcting errors as soon as we become aware of them.
We treat our readers with civility and courtesy whether we’re interacting with them by email, phone, or in person.
We operate in the public’s interest by espousing the values of ethical journalism. We aim to deliver articles and news stories that are accurate, fair, and thorough.
Verification and Fact-Checking
Articles written by our staff and freelancers are edited by our editorial team. Our writers are expected to be accurate and provide sources for their information. We fact-check and edit articles before publishing.
Corrections Policy
We promptly correct errors as we become aware of them. Once an error is brought to our attention, our editors investigate and verify them. After a correction is approved, we post it on the article.
We regularly update our articles to keep the information as relevant as possible. We note on every article when it was last updated. Sometimes, we remove old articles or redirect them to more relevant articles.
We respect taste and decency. We avoid profanities and obscenities except where they are absolutely essential to the article, where the article loses its meaning without them. Our writers must always get approval from an editor prior to using them.
Contact the Editorial Team
For questions or concerns, please contact our editorial team at editor@businesshue.com